Wednesday 9 September 2009

3 Examples of Classic Film Noir: 3 Notorious

  1. Notorious screened in1946 directed by Alfred Hitchcock

After her German father was convicted of crimes against the United States of America then killing himself whilst still in prison, Alicia Huberman played by Ingrid Bergman takes to drink and men, feeling disillusioned and alone. She is then approached by US government agent T.R Devlin played by Cary Grant, he asks her to redeem her treacherous family’s name by spying on her father’s Nazi friends in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. She agrees and a romance begins to emerge between Alicia and the agent Devlin. However when she arrives in Rio De Janeiro she must marry a German scientist Alexander Sebastian played by Claude Rains, in order for the undercover plan to be at its most effective. It isn’t long before Alexander suspects Alicia and tries to dispose of her.

T.R. Devlin is the conventional noir protagonist; confident, certain, and it’s up to him to battle through and restore normality. Much like Alicia is the classic female – amoral, charming and glamorous.



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