Tuesday 2 February 2010

Treatment for Cinematography. Version 1

The cinematography for this piece will be different at different parts of the film opening, at the start when the party is dying down the camera work will be normal with long shots, close ups and different angles to show the emotions and conversations, it is like this until the body of cameron is discovered, the flashbacks then start. For the flashbacks the camera shots will all be point of view to show what the character Dan is showing as it is his flashback, the shots will long a lot of the time to get everything that is happening, and they will be shot from different places where the action is taking place, they will be in any area a person could be to see the action. The shots are all point of view to show the craziness and drunkenness of the party and to make sure the audience don’t see anything that Dan doesn’t see as we are seeing what he has seen at the party. All the shots will be wobbly and wonky to show it is from the view point of a drunken Dan. At the end of the film the shots will return to not being point-of-view to show that the flashbacks have stopped, there will be more close-ups to show the emotions of the people when the dead body of cameron is discovered and when Dan is discovered with the body.

by Cameron Mears, Cinematographer

NB, this was for the first film we need. But we decided not to use this.


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